Knowing When to Change Air Filters

Written by: Your Filter Connection

Knowing when to replace air conditioning filters is critical to maintaining your system. The leading heating experts had, for the past few decades, advocated a cheap replacement filter to be replaced monthly. This is no longer the standard that it used to be. There are new filters that can be washed instead of replaced, and others that have a higher life span and require fewer replacements.

Failure to install a replacement furnace filter could kill the efficiency of your entire HVAC system. Restricted air flow forces the internals to work harder to heat or cool the same space, and certain dangerous particles may make their way into the home if you don’t have adequate protection. Many filters are inexpensive, but choosing between a permanent or temporary version also requires you to know which will fit the needs of your home.

An electrostatic furnace filter, for instance, will have a larger surface area even though the filter occupies the same space. This is because the material used is folded into a zig zag pattern, which improves air flow and the ability to capture harmful particles. High-efficiency versions of these filters have a manufacturer recommended replacement time of three months.


Pet dander can accumulate quickly, and it can be one of the leading factors to look at in determining whether you need a replacement filter. If you are a smoker, or if someone in your home smokes, an air filter will only capture so much of the smells and chemicals, so replacements are also needed far more often.

There is also the kind of filter you use. Cotton filters may be washable, which could prolong the life of an individual unit. Fiberglass units need to changed almost monthly, and provide protection only to the internals.

You also need to make sure that the filter has been thoroughly dried. Wet material can restrict air flow and damage your HVAC unit.


The reason you change filters is to improve air quality, and prevent air restriction. The thin piece of fabric in your air ducts is the only thing between you and harmful dust and bacteria particles. Changing filters frequently has a huge impact on air quality in your home.

You can always perform a visual check on the unit if you are unsure of whether your unit needs changing. Changing your filter frequently not only helps your air conditioning unit, it also cuts down on the electric bills for your home.

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